Friday, 17 December 2010

My One Year Aniversary with Cairo

Wellllllllll, today marks one year that I have been in Cairo and I am still happy to be here! Elhamdulillah!!! :-))

I am genuinely pleased to feel that I have succeeded in my goals; of course there is onward expansion and so much more I want to achieve but essentially I came to Cairo to expand my own creativity, to write and to hang out with writers and artists. And this is what I have been doing and still am. There have been several down times along the way, but mostly it has been and still is a good and groovy thing.

My aims with ARC are continuing to bear fruit; I hope the next year sees a bigger residence with the ability to take more people at one time and on-site or near sited bigger workshop space. Also to be able to get funding, so that selected artists can receive an actual stipend to come. I understand so much now about what kind of people benefit the most here; they are self motivated artists who are not looking for 5 star comfort but understand that Cairo can offer them so much experience and inspiration but that it is a developing African city and all that that means.

I will continue to run writing course, adding new courses to the menu and also running the associated events such as Salon and Open Stage. I also want this next year to see production of writers' monologues on stage, screen and radio. I continue to be blessed with wonderful students who emerge as talented writers and often blow me out of the water with their work.

My own work will continue, with my continued foray into prose as well as poetry and performance and gigs with my band. I want continued creative exposure, opportunity and outlets.

I have had several heart relationships this last year and I see this year with me having a steady, beautiful, nurturing and consistent relationship.

Other than this - to continue to be in this crazy city of constant change and be open to receiving and keep on giving - Oh yes, that alchemical circuit!!!!

Friday, 10 December 2010

All GoGo

Yes, it's been all go as usual.. and another long period of time has elapsed since last posting!

Sooooo.. there have now been three Up On The Roof events at CAV, each one being well attended and new work being platformed. The next one will be the first Thursday in January.

Christian Schink, the photographer and ARC resident left us Monday morning and last night Ana Cruz Blanco arrived, she is currently beside me eating pizza :-) Ana intends to study dance during her stay and generally get into Cairo life.

The novelist Sherry Jones and the classical composer Robert Spittal will arrive on 25th of this month for a stay of 12 days, you can read about them via their sites linked to the left of here. Sherry will be giving a talk and reading at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 28 at Al Kotob Khan bookstore.

Other than this I am soon to be running more new courses, more gigs with my fab band, will be working towards a performance of new monologues and plays, hosting salons, writing, eating, going on feluccas and kissing pandas..

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Happening happenings

Hello, hello - I'm back again :-)

Woooooooooooow, that was a long illness I had!!!! Over 3 and half weeks and I got to the point that I thought I would never be well again!!!

Anyway... here I am and I'm soon to be rocking Cairo out with my new band; details to be released in very near future!!!

Apart from this new venture, I am continuing to learn Arabic (slowly), getting ready for the next Up On the Roof at Cairo Art Village on 4th November (about 10 acts will perform and I will do a debut track with my band)and I have several other plans in the bag.

I've also been doing a fair bit of writing, developing storylines for my novel and another article for El Dustor.

ARC will be joined by resident artist Christian Schink in late November, check out his work on:

Bye for now!!!!! Mwah mwah :-)

Saturday, 16 October 2010

In The Land of the Lotus Eaters

Dear World

Is it really so many days since I last posted?? Time, as I have said before, is another reality here. And neither an enchantment nor a bind. Just another dimension.

Well, I have been sick for over two weeks now :( I came back from the fantastically successful Fayoum residency and got an ear infection, then a weird neck rash, and absolute physical and emotional exhaustion. At the same time I was starting 3 new writing courses and launching the first Up On The Roof event. So.. these last weeks have been busy professionally (and successful) but personally a bit challenging. I have cancelled seeing some very dear friends several times due to my exhaustion and illness. Anyway, I will be better soon, inshallah *

New news in brief:

- 3 new creative writing courses underway
- a fabulously attended first Up On The Roof open stage night and people already on the waiting list for the next on 4th November
- Marte has been back for some weeks and is still in Danceworld
- some collaborations coming up joining ARC other arts organisations here; a meeting with one today
- the launch of Salon BonBon; a monthly writers' and artists' salon
- the launch of Cairo Writers

and more and more and more :-)

Stay tuned!

Ahhhhh.. and the post title... I just LOVE that story; on the journey to Ithaca...

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Harvest Moon

Hello World!!!

Ahhhhhhh - and I am resurfacing at full moon, harvest moon in fact, bounty, riches, fruits - inshallah!!!!

It is SO busy.. I have lists in triplicate. So let's ring the changes:

Dearest darling Marte has left for Alexandria and I shall be going on mini trips to see her. She got a lucrative deal and can now shimmy away in her Sahars; I am so happy for her but miss her tooooooooooo!!!!!

The first oasis course happens this weekend and I am taking the 10 participants to Fayoum for 3 days of creativity and natural surroundings - exciting!!!

I will then come back and the week after start a busy autumn of 5 Creative Writing courses, Open Stage night, Film Night and more!!!

Various artists are booked in to ARC throughout the following months; more details soon.

I may also be taking part in a festival in Alexandria which will take place in Cavafy's house; the very writer who wrote The Road to Ithaca!!! I am VERY excited about this prospect!

For now.. it is coffee and sorting out exercises for the oasis and awaiting my lovely friend Lorna who will visit between her dance shows on the Nile.

Enjoy the moon XXX

Saturday, 11 September 2010

'Up On the Roof' Open Stage at Cairo Art Village

'Up On the Roof' Open Stage at Cairo Art Village

Thursday October 7th then monthly

A new creative platform for both established and emerging artists using either Arabic or English language.
Live poetry, spoken word, music and performance. Each act will be a maximum of 10 minutes with a longer guest spot for an invited artist. This is a space to try out new material and take risks as well as present shaped work.
People interested in performing should contact Linda Cleary:

A joint venture by CAV and ARC

Tuesday, 7 September 2010


Hello from near to the finish line of Ramadan

and close to the start of Eid

Then.. perhaps.. we can get back to a little normality (not)

I thought Ramadan would be so, so quiet. I even thought I could finally get to grips with the music software program Ive been meaning to learn for the last 8 months. But Cairo has been a WHIRL.. even moreso than 'usual'. In the last 5 weeks there was galavanting in Fayoum and coming back with feathers tied into my hair.. a short trip to Dahab which resulted in closure on a long term affair.. then an ocean dive into a sublime Sudanese journey of passion and poetry.. then having to re-enter the day to day world on the Prince's exit and setting up 5 courses to run in autumn and a residential.. not to mention other projects.. and now I am trying to take Suzi around town and find stuff to do in Ramadan where everything is dominated by iftar (the first meal at dusk that breaks the day fast)and most of town is closed... ah well just a few more days to go :-))

Ahhh yes... and there was the little matter of a man coming into our flat at 5am about 9 days ago, having climbed from the building back staircase onto my balcony (over a 7 floor drop). Luckily Marte saw his hand as he hid behind the kitchen door.. otherwise who knows what may have happened.. Going to the police resulted in being kept for 3 hours whilst making the report and escorted back by 3 policeman who then took the bawab (doorman) which then resulted in a whole heap of info being revealed about how the man opposite has a brother who will be running for president (!!) and me going to the police could have resulted in a scandal as the bawab of the building was questioned and people could make use of this (!!).

Never a quiet day..

Saturday, 21 August 2010

Cairo Article

The following article was written upon request for El Dustour newspaper:


I look down a lot in this country. And I've managed to fix my eyes on a steady nowhere point, somewhere alatool. My journeys to and from engagements are unsmiled and I worry about frown lines; which seems like a double concern. If words from others were truth then I must be a million litres of eshta and a bears' heaven of 3asal. Sometimes I want to stroll, be aimless, glance about me - but I know if I do so that men will be there; in my vista. Sometimes I think it would be lovely to sit on a bench or patch of grass but being Solo is just a loser's Internet name and doesn't exist here. I am now at such a proficiency level of Poker Face I could give tutorials. I have even ignored my own dates. Subjected to sonic assaults from horn honking kerb crawling car drivers and followed at the speed of darkness; a good mood can quickly turn.

After eight months in this country I now notice how tight some bint's pants are. I stare at crotches along with the men. I spot a Maqsum rhythm on a petulant higab girl as she walks down the street. I consider bare calves to be risqué unless it's Zamalek and then who knows I might even smoke on the street.

I have never known so many people ask me if I was married; it even beats the interest from the Greek grandmothers of Ancient Corinth in my fallen youth surged hobo days.

In a NOW city, nostalgia has a paradoxical high altar. 'Wahashteny!', 'I AM WAITING FOR U' (Caps Lock intended). SMS and FB, systems of denial to available meetings. Sex is lusted over but post ejaculation the space is haram filled. When somebody says they are liberal here it is a byword for 'I'll fuck you but I'll marry my cousin'.

I love Cairo. Oh, the L word. Did I mean it? I have a relationship with Cairo that has been beyond the torrid affairs and heartbreak of being a paradigm that some Egyptian male cannot fit into his culturally programmed unconscious. I'm still here. I'm still here drinking Stella in Horreya, I'm still here eating fuul in Kazazz, I'm still here sipping tea at Takei3ba, I'm still here careering in taxis through this dirty, beautiful, crazy city, I'm still here getting sweaty on the Metro, I'm still here beyond repetition of a phrase and unlike the sentence construction I'm not yet worn out. Cairo is at the casino table with me and we are playing our cards pretty even handed.

I'm like Mr Magoo, seeing smiles in the lion's den or maybe there just aren't any real Big Cats, or the jinns are playing tricks. Who knows, it's 1 am and I'm drinkingand as long as this town is good to me I'll keep on its arm.


Hello Beautiful People!

Well, another stretch of time has elapsed since my last post. I have truly stepped into the time paradigm of Cairo and life is as busy as ever. It is hard to describe how it feels timewise to live here and I have tried in previous posts; but essentially one becomes caught up entirely in Cairo. Even if 'nothing' is happening, it is as if everything is happening. My body clock is completely different from England; I go to be late and get up late. I don't go out in the daytime that much but when I do I am always enthralled by the daytime life.

I thought Ramadan would be quiet but I have been running a new course at Diwan, a monologue and short play course privately and also a novel writing workshop as well as my own writing and social situations. I have also been having a rather wild month of satiation.. contrary to the Ramadan situation..

I am now in the process of preparing several new courses to run at Diwan, Darb 1718 and a residential course at Sobek Lodge, Fayoum. And continuing with private students working on their own novels, monologues, plays and other writing.

Arts Residency Cairo is still hosting Marte Kjoell, the dancer. Marte and I make 'affirmations upon the altar' - otherwise recognised as the sofa and so much of what we affirm becomes true. Marte is finally able to practise dance again after a long time healing her foot and so she is shimmying around the studio and kitchen - elhamdulilah :-)

We have been having various 'house pet' situations; the continuation of the ants (which we are OK about), our balcony cat (which we like), a gekko (which we loved but he left us two days ago) and some ughhhhhhh... cockroaches (to whom I wrote a letter requesting them to vacate).

Near future news.... a wonderful, wonderful friend and life coach from England, Susan Vanhinsbergh is due to arrive here next week. So you can expect some details of out of Cairo trips.. maybe even Ethiopia.. Later in the autumn we will be saying hello to several international artists and writers; details to be posted soon.

I have been truly happy to have spent some time these last weeks in the presence of Mamoun Eltlib and Mazin Mustafa; two Sudanese writers of prominence.

Aywa to Cairo, aywa to Life :-))

Monday, 2 August 2010

Understanding Venus and Mars in Your Life

4 session course - 2 hours per session
Starting 8th August
7pm to 9pm
(times can be changed during Ramadan)

Women only

Cost: LE 800
Massar Lodge,
15B, Road 198, Ground Floor
Degla, Maadi

Course Location, registration & payment at Massar Lodge
Phone: 025175727 or mobile 0109608012

* * *
Venus and Mars are two major planets that affect our relationships and our 'will to act'.
Venus, the goddess of love, reveals much about the way we approach relationships, romance, and love. Learning about Venus can go a long way towards understanding relationships.

The placement of Mars in a natal chart reveals what motivates and energizes individuals, how they express their drive, what they want, and how they go about getting what they want.

* * *

The Course

We will explore the dynamic of these important planets in our lives and how we can empower ourselves through working with their energy.

The sessions will use discussion, guided pathworking (meditation) and various creative mediums and we will also look at several mythological archetypes from various cultures; goddesses such as Aphrodite, Athena and gods such as Aries that can aid us in our understanding.

Places are limited to 10 people and each person will receive a natal chart so that we can look at the individual placement of their Venus and Mars in order to work with it.

* * *

The Facilitator

Linda Cleary is a poet - writer – performer – artist currently running adult creative writing courses in Cairo as well as developing her poetry, writing and performance work.

She began working with theatre as a transformational tool in '89 where she assisted with facilitating a creative writing and psycho-drama course. She then went on to train in '91 at Manchester Polytechnic in Recreational Arts in the Community. This enabled her to successfully set up and run a variety of community courses in creative writing and also theatre; working in Holland, Australia, Spain, UK and the prestigious JAMU academy of performing arts & music in Czech Republic.

Linda has many years of experience working with astrological and archetypal subjects, meditation and spiritual development.

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Soya Paradiso & Shores of Stories

Dear Everyone

the last weeks feel like I've been in another timezone and planet. It's been a whirl, a flurry, a magnoona this and that; courses, admin, organising, liasing, full moons, ex lovers, 40 degree heat, iron deficiency, parties, slowing down to a zero and then having to pull it all together... Oh but here I still am!

The last weeks I have admitted several things about myself as I am now..

- I am becoming astonishingly and most probably annoyingly inconclusive.
- I am unable to get up much before 1pm. When I do, I feel ill or mental.
- I oftentimes don't call people when I say I will or arrange appointments and then cancel them. (One of my exes proudly says this shows I am now Egyptian - he is himself)
- I am incredibly lazy. Even when I can just get in a cab that will be outside my house and taken to my destination.. I have been preferring to stay home.
- However when it comes to anything to do with writing; be it my own or sorting or tutoring courses; I'm on it! Elhamdulilah!

So anyway... the cold that I had for last 4 days and that I was taking mega Vit C doses for.. seemed to get blasted away today by two strong coffees with sugar and I think I'm still buzzing - or it's a fever.. And tomorrow I will get up at 10am (ugggggh)and take a car to Sobek Lodge, Fayoum and sort out business and indulge in pleasure. Then I will come back and head to Dahab.. after dithering about this for the last 4 weeks.. I will do it. I will. I will.

Some friends want me to go with them to Ras Sudr but I dont think I can fit that in.. oasis, beaches, desert..

What else is happening??? Artwise... Akaterina left, Marte is still here, there are several unconfirmed bookings from various interesting sounding artists in next months, I am running a short story course, a monologue course (that will progress to staged production) and a novel writing workshop.. and oh an astrodrama course too.. I feel like making a mirror mosaic down at Sobek (have never made one before).. I wrote an article for Al Dustour paper which I will post here when it has been edited.. or I'll post the unedited version (might be better!).

Now I need to eat and oh.. praise be to the Vegan Gods.. I finally have sourced soya products: soya meat, soya cheese and soya ice cream!!!! I havent yet been to this paradise but I will make myself get out of the house in daytime hours and go there next week!

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Short Story Course, Diwan Maadi

Short Story Course
(8 hrs in-class tuition)

4 sessions of 2 hours each

Mondays 7pm to 9pm

starting Monday July 26th

420 LE

Working with expansion techniques, reading published short stories for discussion and understanding format and focusing on the necessary elements to produce a final draft of a 1000 word narrative.

Registration and payment to be made at any Diwan store. Please note that spaces will be limited.

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Planets, Feet and Good Things Happening

Hello World, how are you?

Here in Cairo things tend to be Cairo-centric and we are in the time of NOW all the time. I've never known a place like it. I thought that I would be stepping into a quieter time as my Diwan and Darb courses came to a close and Ramadan approaches but actually things are moving along at break neck speed all the same. This Wednesday I will start tutoring a monologue and short play course and next Monday I will begin a short story course at Diwan, then I am still organising the residential oasis courses and today I met with Massar Lodge, Maadi and arranged to start an astro drama course; looking at the power of the planets and goddess archetypes in our lives and how we can use them to empower ourselves (details to be posted soon).

I will also be continuing to work with private students and small groups in novel writing.

On top of this I am writing an article with Talal Faisal, a journalist for Al Dustour paper and a novelist.

I don't even know what else I've been doing!! Socials, gigs, feluccas, cups of tea, fuul (always).

I think it might be time for a glass of wine now... ahhh.. and i would say a foot massage but I've had two in the last two days :-)

Sunday, 11 July 2010

3 Day Creative Writing Course - Residential in Oasis

Friday July 30th 10am to Monday August 2nd 11am

The Course

3 Day Course in Creative Writing – LE 1000
An extended masterclass looking at various techniques and exercises to open up and improve writing skills, work with metaphor and imagery, create texts and narratives to given themes and word counts as well as free writing.

There is no criteria other than a willingness to open up one's writing; the course is designed that people of varying writing experience can participate and each draw their individual benefits.

The Place

The course take place at Sobek lodge, Tunis village, Fayoum.
(Transport from and to Cairo can be provided)

Sobek Lodge is an ideal Western Desert Gateway situated in the quiet and picturesque village of Tunis in Fayoum, 104 km from Cairo, surrounded by Olive and Palm Grows, melding smoothly into the breathtaking surroundings of the Western Desert.

As well as daily classes, you will receive accommodation and two meals per day. Sobek Lodge is a wonderful place to 'just be'. You can explore the village around the lodge such as the Pottery School and walk to the lake and the orchards and also choose a number of optional extras such as: desert excursion, horse and camel riding, waterfalls, Whale Valley excursion and on-site reflexology and massage treatments.

The Tutor

Linda Cleary is a poet - writer – performer, originally from UK. She has been delivering workshops in creative writing, related arts and theatre for many years; working in Holland, Czech Republic, Australia, UK and Egypt and is currently the director of an artists' residency in Cairo.

Her own performance poetry and style has been seen as unique, strong, raw and challenging; 'Powerful, uncompromising, rhythmic verse. Tough, lyrical beauty. Packs poetic punches with aching sensitivity. A unique new voice. If you need a comparison, think; a young Joolz Denby, laced with Patti Smith overtones.' (Apples&Snakes – UK)

For all information and booking contact Linda Cleary


Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Oasis Residential Creative Writing Courses

Creative Writing Courses
Residential courses in Fayoum

The Place
The courses take place at Sobek lodge, Tunis village, Fayoum.
Sobek Lodge is an ideal Western Desert Gateway situated in the quiet and picturesque village of Tunis in Fayoum, 104 km from Cairo, surrounded by Olive and Palm Grows, melding smoothly into the breathtaking surroundings of the Western Desert.
As well as daily classes, you will receive accommodation and two meals per day. Sobek Lodge is a wonderful place to 'just be'. You can explore the village around the lodge such as the Pottery School and walk to the lake and the orchards and also choose a number of optional extras such as: desert excursion, horse and camel riding, waterfalls, Whale Valley excursion and on-site reflexology and massage treatments.

The Courses

3 Day Course in Creative Writing – LE 1000
An extended masterclass looking at various techniques and exercises to open up and improve writing skills, work with metaphor and imagery, create texts and narratives to given themes and word counts as well as free writing.
There is no criteria other than a willingness to open up one's writing; the course is designed that people of varying writing experience can participate and each draw their individual benefits.

5 Day Course in Creative Writing and Writing a Short Story – LE 1700
*the Creative Writing course with an added section of : working with further expansion techniques, reading published short stories for discussion and understanding format and focusing on the necessary elements to produce a final draft of a 1000 word narrative.

5 Day Course in Monologue and Short Plays in Various Formats – LE 1700
We look at the format of writing monologue and plays for stage, screen and radio and how to capture a character's authentic voice, find the central message of the text and prepare it for presentation.

Please note other residential courses are also available in;

Presentation of written word; bringing developed pieces of text to peformance level; working on voice, rhythm, projection, stance and movement, character, direction, re-writes and edits.

Work on review and critique; getting past our own opinions to be able to appreciate what is valuable. We read several published texts for discussion and written comment and explore the steps to be able to review and critique work. Participants can also apply this to their own work.

Poetry; from a plethora of ages and movements. We discuss content and form and work on writing poetry that emulates certain styles as well as looking at one's own poetic expression and the form, rhythm and imagery that it takes.

The Tutor
Linda Cleary is a poet - writer – performer, originally from UK. She has been delivering workshops in creative writing, related arts and theatre for many years; working in Holland, Czech Republic, Australia, UK and Egypt and is currently the director of an artists' residency in Cairo.

Her own performance poetry and style has been seen as unique, strong, raw and challenging; 'Powerful, uncompromising, rhythmic verse. Tough, lyrical beauty. Packs poetic punches with aching sensitivity. A unique new voice. If you need a comparison, think; a young Joolz Denby, laced with Patti Smith overtones.' (Apples&Snakes – UK)

For all information and booking contact Linda Cleary


Oasis Residency and Courses

Well... a LOT has been going on as usual! ARC has been busy with Aikaterina, Marte, Renate and friend and as well as more demand for writing classes, several opportunities have arisen for expansion for ARC. Please look at my new page Oasis Residential Creative Courses for ongoing details of Sobek Lodge; situated in the Fayoum oasis. It is now a sister residency where artists staying at ARC can choose to spend some of their residency and I am also running residential Creative Writing courses there.

There are other situations opening up which I will detail at a later date.. keep looking!!

Other news in one paragraph...I have been enjoying working as a copy editor for Go Egypt, a new magazine just launched and continuing with my on-going writing classes. Marte took a tumble from a horse last week and after several days hopping and limping we finally got her foot sorted out with the aid of two very dishy doctors.. could change a girl's mind about allopathic medicine.. There have been parties and gigs and dance shows and writing... always writing :-))

Ohhhh Cairo... I love you

Monday, 28 June 2010

Good Morning, Cairo

Well it's a rather hot morning actually, perhaps the temperatures are creeping, or rather zooming, back up to their 40s.

Aikaterina and her friend Elena got up super early and went to Alexandria for a short trip; they will look around the city and I put them in touch with an artist who also runs an arts organisation there.

Marte is currently pet sitting for a lady who has gone back to UK for one month. She is down the road in a 16th floor sumptious pad with dance studio and views across the city.

Two Norwegian girls arrive tomorrow for a short stay of 3 nights; they are both dancers and are here to network and absorb the place where Raqs Sharqi came from.

The balcony is pretty much done, although I still have to get cushions. I will upload new photos soon!

Other than all this I have been teaching writing class, editing for the newspaper, seeing some excellent dance over at the Egyptian Modern Dance Festival, having some very cosmic times with lovely friends and certain sages, writing some new work and feeling the full moon eclipse energy.

Time for peppermint tea I think!

Monday, 21 June 2010

Hipsters, Balconies and Bean Bags

Ohhhh the heat!!! It's into 45 degrees here and sometimes more and the aircon seems to flatten out to a 'just maintaining' level and blink red after a few hours and leaving the living room to get a drink and come back results in coverings of sweat. Ahhh, still it must be flushing the zillions of Cairo toxins out :-)

Yesterday I reached a point in my sofa placed repose where i couldn't imagine leaving the house again. Luckily a few hours later Aikaterina and I met Marros and saw some fantastic dance (Egyptian Modern Dance Festival til 5th July) then we went on to the last night of the Refugee Film Festival at Darb 1718 and saw a great reggae band from Sudan.

The Nile Belly Dance Festival is now over and Marte has a little bit more free time for her various other dance related projects.

I now have 3 writing classes per week which means I also have a bit more time (in theory) and I have decided that I want to start training in some physical theatre/dance and fuse my poetry with that medium.. so I will be looking for a teacher.

The balcony is taking shape and young hipster Ramy is understanding my liking for colour and slapping on the pink and orange. By the end of the week it should be finished and I can have a gin and tonic sat out on my petit terrace :-)

Aikaterina is nearly a week into her stay and is getting into it all famously whilst wearing a lovely Sudanese dress she got last night :-)

Off to Maadi now to teach class and try to find bean bags and rag rugs on the way back!

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Whale Valley

I was in the Fayoum desert of Wadi Al Hitan at high noon in 34 celsius heat today looking at whale fossils. This was after navigating slippery stones upstream between two waterfalls in Wadi El Rayan. I reaffirmed to myself that I am not a doer.. or at least a doer of physical activity and as much as I like heat I don't like it directly upon me for hours.. however.. sunstroke and water slippages avoided I had a brilliant time :-) My zenith moment was leaving the others and walking back to 'base' alone through the desert path and hearing the earth and stones speaking; the magic came into its own.. and shortly after I saw a white fox.

On coming back to Cairo I experienced a strange feeling of disconnection; as if I was 'somewhere else' and several fuul sandwiches and a shower later this feeling is still somewhat present. Maybe getting up at 7am has also had something to do with this along with the intense sun rays upon me most of the day. Hopefully when I wake up tomorrow I will once again feel like Cairo is my city.

The last few nights I have been attending ArtBeat festival at Darb 1718; this has been another tremendous success for Darb and I am sending a huge thank you to them for contributing so much to the community and arts scene. I have seen some fantastic bands and acts there these last days and the VIP rooftop lounge with complimentary beers was also very pleasant :-)

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Golden Leaves

As the summer heats up I have gone into imbuing the solar power with some Apollonian gold leaves dressing my bathroom and I also have a welcoming bunch of plastic flowers outside my flat door with little Birds of Paradise popping up and around. Yes, I am Queen of Kitsch - or on the way..

Last week was busy with a full house and two gigs; both of which went well and it was lovely to share the line up with such good writers.

The courses at Diwan have been coming to their end sessions but I am starting a new one next week as well as a short story course soon. I am also currently editing for a new travel newspaper.

Amira is having a leaving do (she will return to America after 6 months here) on a hotel roof tomorrow and then I will be having another goodbye session the night after as my dear friend Sherif is soon to be leaving for Italy for a 6 months stay. Other than this I am teaching writing class, arranging balconies, playing downtown and having a few gin and tonics but right now I think I need to go find my bawab and sort out this temperamental air conditioning!

Monday, 7 June 2010

An Article on Me in This Month's Community Times!!!

Please take a look at this feature on me after an interview with Sankalita Shome.

New Creative Writing Course at Diwan!!!

Creative Writing Course

By Linda Cleary

4 weeks (8 hour course)

One session per week (2 hour session) on Mondays

Starting Monday 14th June

Time: 6:00pm-8:00pm

In Diwan Maadi

Maximum 10 people per class

Price: 420 L.E

Please register in your nearest Diwan branch

The 4 week Creative Writing course will act as an extended masterclass looking at various techniques and exercises to open up and improve writing skills, work with metaphor and imagery, create texts and narratives to given themes and word counts, as well as free writing.
There is no criteria other than a willingness to open up one's writing; the course is designed that people of varying writing experience can participate and each draw their individual benefits.

On completion of the first course other short courses available such as:

Writing a short story, Monologue and short plays in various formats, Presentation of written word, Work on review and critique, and Poetry

Wednesday, 2 June 2010


I no longer have much of a hold on dates. I know it is June now but times and days and months do not feature so much anymore; I am regulated by metro journeys to writing classes, by the hunger for a fuul sandwich, by sweat and showers punctuating the hours. So.. the days are full of words and people; the house is a chatter of poets and dance and I am becoming OCD about home improvements. I have plans. Big plans. I am going to create a sitting area on the back balcony which is currently where the rubbish goes and is overlooked; I'll paint the doors pink, put plants there and light curtains and a table and chairs.. if I ever find any tables and chairs at a reasonable price. I just want someone to do everything for me. I hate sourcing mundane items.. yet I want them. I am also going to create a soft low sitting area by the big windows in the studio space and move the table to another part of the room. And if the price is right I might even get the lower windows there changed so that they create a floor to ceiling open space. I also might have to get a new double mattress in the second guest bedroom as Marte is seemingly sleeping in a scooped hollow :-)

Writing classes are going well and it is a joy to see and read students' work soaring, expanding and becoming coloured with expression.

Tomorrow and Friday I have the poetry readings with Seni, Amira, Marwa and Salem.. I still haven't had time to select the work I will read.. that is my mission for tonight..

For now I am dancing to Madonna and wondering what to eat :-)

Saturday, 29 May 2010

Horses & Pharoahs

Last night Marte, some friends and I went out to a stables on the far edge of Haram, just by the old desert gate. I felt so excited at the prospect of riding at full moon; as if I would be stepping into my Centaurian self and whilst the moon was rising in Saggitarius.

However, it didn't all quite happen as I had envisioned. After saddling up we were in a dusty, dark alley just before the desert; full of skittish horses and adrenalin charged boys with whips. The air was loud with commands and shabi music, the horses were on high energy; biting and kicking; eyes wild and blood filled. The moon wasn't visible and I became full of a sense of doom and felt compelled to get off my horse and return to the stable by foot. I then sat there alone waiting for my friends to return and feeling like a bit of a loser :-)

I shall attempt a second horse experience soon :-)

Today I have been editing student's work, hanging with Marte and introducing her to the vegan delights of tofu, working out where I can create more 'soft' sitting spaces and turn the back landing into a balcony and inbetween all this I have been gazing at my feet and thinking how with blue varnished toenails clad in black and gold 'ship ships' (flip flops) they resemble two moon kissed Pharoahs :-))

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Welcome Changes at Full Moon

Marte Kjoell, a Raqs Sharqi dancer from Norway, has come to stay at ARC for an indefinite amount of time! She arrived yesterday and we had about one hour before I had to leave for writing class but then I brought us tameya and fuul sandwiches home when I got back :-)) She has an audition tonight for a dance spot on a well known boat here and she is in a flurry of mascara and fabrics getting ready for it. My two days off look to be full again; with the boys coming tonight (my boys writing group who like it so much they keep coming even though the course finished)and then we will go on a jaunt downtown to the re-opened Horreya; my paradise in Cairo!!! I dont know what the re-furbishments will be like.. I loved the ferrets and down at heel look of the place before.. but I'm excited about going back in to the best drinking den in town :-)) Then it will be onto the 'other' Greek Club to celebrate Dalia's birthday then into the early hours sleaze of cabaret... looks set to be quite a night! Monday night Seni will arrive and Amira and her friend Elizabeth; a house of poets!

Sunday, 23 May 2010


I have two more gigs coming up on 3rd and 4th June.

The writer Seni Seneviratne is coming to stay from 31st May and at the same time Amira Hanafi is returning for a few weeks along with a poet friend of hers; so we will be a house of poets! I organised a reading for Seni and then decided to get some other poets involved and myself and then managed to get 2 gigs;

Poetry Reading by:

- Seni Seneviratne (Sri Lanka - England)
- Linda Cleary (England)
- Amira Hanafi (Egypt-USA)
- Marwa Abu Daif (Egypt)
- Mohamed Salem Obada (Egypt)

3rd June at Diwan Heliopolis 7pm

4th June at Darb 1718 Fustat Old Cairo 7pm

days daze

I haven't posted for a while. Things have been so busy! I am now running 5 courses a week and also have private students and I have been making the most of my two days off. I can't even remember Thursday... oh yes I can.. WOW.. fantastic Sudanese gig down at MAKAN. I was totally swept away by the drums and had a whole lustful story going on with the sexy dancer drummer boy.. I might get him to play at my next gig.. and I decided I had to go down into Africa.. I thought about Ethiopia; the promised land and all that. It just felt like there was so much joy and freedom at that gig. And I ended up being asked up to dance by the two belly dancers as I was obviously getting into my thing sat on the chair.. my trousers nearly fell down.. but not quite :-) Then on Friday I went to my dear friend Lorna's and we hung out then we met some other girls and went on a felluca down the Nile and drank white wine as the sun set. After that Dalia invited us to her place which turned out to be this luxurious pad overlooking the Nile and we got pretty drunk. Her husband Claus suggested we went downtown and we ended up in this mad little belly dancing cabaret bar called Kings. It was the real low end of the spectrum with prostitutes and even a transvestite dancer at the end of the night but it was fabulous. Other than that I've been teaching class and doing admin for ARC and my project which I hope is going to be picked up by some organisations (to work with Egyptian women on creating text and merging it with film and image). I have good days and difficult days. I have times where I feel thoroughly in control and independent and times where I feel a lot of sorrow and pain at the end of my relationship and how it ended (so coldly and now is nothing). But I have good friends and good things happening. And yes.. two more gigs!!! 3rd and 4th June. I will post links soon!!!!

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Teenage Writing Class at Diwan

Teenage Creative Writing Course
For 12 – 16 years
By Linda Cleary

Start Date: 23/05/2010 6.30 pm
4 weeks (8 hour course)
One session per week (2 hour session) on Sundays
Time: 6.30 pm-8.30pm
In Diwan Maadi
Maximum 9 people per class
Price: 420 L.E
Please register in your nearest Diwan branch
The 4 week Creative Writing course will act as an extended masterclass looking at various techniques and exercises to open up and improve writing skills, work with metaphor and imagery, create texts and narratives to given themes and word counts, as well as free writing.
There is no criteria other than a willingness to open up one's writing; the course is designed that people of varying writing experience can participate and each draw their individual benefits.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Temple of the Heart

Last night I went to Sama'Khana next to Prince Taz Palace in the Citadel area and saw the wonderful Iva Bittova, who is a renowned singer from Czech Republic who works with a lot of gypsy and world songs; and Anwar Abudragh a singer and musician from Iraq presenting classical Arabic and Sufi music. It was totally amazing. I felt like I was in a healing temple of sound; there were times I wanted to cry, times I was smiling from deep within, times I wished to crawl on the ground and writhe and times of bliss and divinity. The venue itself was beautiful;practically all wood with carved Arabic design and in a round with balconies. I was stunned that anyone managed to find the place though as it was tucked away down a small, historic street but then this is Cairo and when one is lost one becomes found.

There are performances on throughout the next week; all part of the Spring Festival 2010 including the poet Benjamin Zephaniah and many other international performers.

I begin another new writing class tomorrow; it will be weekly at Diwan for one month and then I start a second class at Darb 1718 as demand was high for the 1st one. I also hope to start my copy editing work for a new publication and not forgetting my post as 'writers' recruiter' for The New Hermopolis situated in Middle Egypt.

The family have been here for one week and will stay until 16th and I then hope to be accommodating a film crew who will be making a piece on The City of the Dead; an area here where people live in tombs. The poet and writer Seni Seneviratne will come end of May and Amira Hanafi will be also staying (she liked it so much the 1st time) :-) with a poet friend of hers. I am organising a reading to hopefully take place at Darb 1718 in early June and this will be Seni, Amira, myself and also Mohamed Salem Obada and Marwa Abu Daif who will be reading in Arabic.

Soooooo... it's all go!!!! :-)

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

DIWAN Creative Writing Course

Please see and read on for details of my 4 week (12 hour) Creative Writing course beginning Monday 7pm May 10th at Diwan, Maadi.

Registration is through Diwan and must be done before the course start date with payment in advance at any of Diwan's branches (Zamalek, Heliopolis, Maadi.

Diwan's website calander of events:

There is maximum student space of 15 people. Cost 420 LE for entire course.

Creative Writing Course at Diwan Bookstore, Maadi.

One 3 hr session a week for 4 weeks (12 hr course). Maximum 15 people per class.

The 4 week Creative Writing course will act as an extended masterclass looking at various techniques and exercises to open up and improve writing skills, work with metaphor and imagery, create texts and narratives to given themes and word counts as well as free writing.

There is no criteria other than a willingness to open up one's writing; the course is designed that people of varying writing experience can participate and each draw their individual benefits.

On completion of the first course other short courses available in:

Writing a Short Story

We work with further expansion techniques, read published short stories for discussion and understanding format; focusing on the necessary elements to produce a final draft of a 1000 word narrative.

Monologue and short plays in various formats

We look at the format of writing monologue and plays for stage, screen and radio and how to capture a character's authentic voice, find the central message of the text and prepare it for presentation.

Presentation of written word

For bringing developed pieces of text to peformance level; working on voice, rhythm, projection, stance and movement, character, direction, subsequent re-writes and edits from further developing the pieces.

Work on review and critique

Looking at the process of reading work for review and critique; getting past our own opinions to be able to appreciate what is valuable. We read several published texts for discussion and written comment and explore the steps to be able to review and critique work. Participants can also apply this to their own work.


Reading the work of known poets; from a plethora of ages and movements. We discuss content and form and work on writing poetry that emulates certain styles as well as looking at one's own poetic expression and the form, rhythm and imagery that it takes.

Linda Cleary – Artist Biography
Linda Cleary is a poet - writer – performer, originally from Manchester and now living in Cairo. Seen as being in the vanguard of young female performance poets and emerging as a radical nouvelle vague Romantic Poet. Her former drama training lends her performance a certain theatricality and she has performed in a variety of bands, theatre & performance groups.

Linda works across disciplines; creating non traditional, diverse work of spoken & written word at times fusing performance, music and image. Her work often carries an urban and contemporary thrust ; some themes may be timeless, universal, but carry a modern twist and juxtaposition in delivering the tale whilst carrying a definite honouring to classic influences.

Her performance poetry and style has been seen as unique, strong, raw and challenging; 'Powerful, uncompromising, rhythmic verse. Tough, lyrical beauty. Packs poetic punches with aching sensitivity. A unique new voice. If you need a comparison, think; a young Joolz Denby, laced with Patti Smith overtones.' (Apples&Snakes)

Education Biography
Linda has experience of working with children, young adults and adults with differing needs and delivers workshops in creative writing & poetry for schools, colleges and community groups; those from isolated or rural areas as well as regeneration or urban.

Having left school and becoming immediately involved with theatre her community work began with a placement with NACRO in '89 where she assisted with facilitating a creative writing and psycho-drama course. She then went on to train in '91 at Manchester Polytechnic in Recreational Arts in the Community. This enabled her to successfully set up and run a variety of community courses in creative writing and also theatre; working in Holland, Czech and Australia as well as the UK. Between 93 – 94 she was invited to Czech Republic to work at the prestigious JAMU Academy of Performing Arts & Music in Brno where she delivered theatre workshops to two adult actor groups; one an audibly impaired group. She runs creative writing courses and a script development for presentation course and teaches general literacy as well as her poetry, writing and performance work and has just set up an artists' residency in Cairo.

Saturday, 1 May 2010

The Sea

Merry Beltane and May Day

Today I went to the sea! I finally got to the Red Sea at Ain Sokhna on the eastern coast; about 90 minutes drive; or maybe it only took one hour... Sylvia was driving fast :-)

We went to a massive hotel spa/beach; something that I would normally not think to enter. But it was brilliant. During the course of the day I swam in the sea, swam twice in the mineral salts pool, went twice into the steam room and had one sauna. I also lay on the sun lounger on the beach, sipped lemon drinks and ate some chips with mustard :-)

The 'family' arrived at 7.30am this morning; so it was another VERY early rise for me and I only had a certain delerious nap at the beach. But tomorrow I can get up at my usual 1pm... ohhhh heaven :-)

I have just got back from a bin mission... the ferral cats out back claw the rubbish and it is very annoying.. so I've been obsessing about a bin for outside for some time. I finally got it together and went to do it. I managed to get a pink one for the kitchen and will move the boring one out. I got some VERY tasty kushari on the way back (thank you Azumi for finding that place)and am about to go out again any minute now for a drink..

The next days are writing classes, Darb 17 18, working on projects, European cinema, Al Azhar park, party at Ain Sokhna (with my mozza girlfriends)and being a general host to the 'family'. Hope that doesn't sound offensive Adam! :-) Just an easy name for you 'all' :-)

I will report again sooooooooooon!!!

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Powerful Times

Cairo, as ever, brings forth strong changes.

The last few weeks have been full expansion and in the last few days alone I have had many business successes with a fully booked new writing course at Darb 17 18, a request by Diwan (national bookstore) to run courses in their stores and to develop a children's course, a post as 'writers' recruiter' and PR for a new venture in Minya; The New Hermopolis (more on that soon and of course the performance at Darb that took place on Saturday and an interview with a daily newspaper that will be following and invitation to perform at a large venue at a later date. And all this as well as the weekly private writing courses!!!

However, on a personal level.. 'mon amour' is no longer.. the wheel has turned again and hurtled from being one way to another within a time frame of one week.

Right now it is 8.26am and I have had 4 hours sleep and got up at 7am as the new guests will be arriving anytime now (and could have been from 7.30am). This is horrendously early for Cairo and as soon as I have gone through the basic introductions to the quirks of the flat I will be going back to bed for most of the day.

This evening I shall be attending the Indian Embassy and eating some very nice food with some very nice friends :-)

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Full Moon

The full moon looks so sublime; even in the city's skies; it transcends the urbanity.

Today I start the new writing course at Darb 17 18 and it is fully booked so that is wonderful!

Tomorrow I will meet with Diwan bookstore who are interested in me delivering writing classes from their stores and I am also working on a project to deliver to the British Council which will be working with emerging female Egyptian writers towards live literature and printed material.

This Friday sees the arrival of a family of four from Cornwall; Adam Roberts is on a round the world gap year with his sister and their parents will join them here at ARC for just over two weeks. So it will be a busy household!!

Sunday, 25 April 2010

The Show

Sooooooo.. last night was the show at Darb 17 18 and it was great to be on stage in Cairo and also to be doing my Cairo track here!!! I hope to get hold of some of the photos taken of my show last night and I will post some up. The exhibition itself at Darb is great and I will go back to see it properly later this week; ohhh actually I will be there Wednesday as I start tutoring the new Creative Writing course that will be taking place there each week. After the show I had some vodkas and then went on to party at Cairo Jazz Club with a big bunch of friends and artists. I got to bed about 3.30am and then had to get up before my usual early afternoon as I had some things to attend to and Azumi was leaving :-(( She has been an absolute adorable resident and we had some lovely times. She wrote in the guest book that she now feels inspired to work on her novel; so Cairo has given her some fire. My flat is filled with red roses; a 'good luck for the show' from some dear friends. Today should have been class but one student needed to cancel so I will go instead to see a friend and then tonight I will go to a stage play version of 'Death and the Maiden' being put on by a writer/director friend of mine Muhammad Marros at the Rawabet Theatre, Downtown. Later this week I have my Tuesday class, then begin the new course at Darb on Wednesday, I need to work on the project outline for the British Council and then on Friday the next four residents arrive for a stay of 16 nights!

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

New Writing Courses

I am now collecting registrations for people interested in joining 3 new courses. Please note that the Creative Writing Course (the 1st one listed) will be held on Mondays at 12noon and start in early May, so please register for this one as soon as possible:

Creative Writing Course

The 10 week Creative Writing course will look at various techniques and exercises to open up & improve writing writing skills, work with metaphor and imagery, create texts and narratives to given themes and word counts as well as free writing. The end goal will be to write a 1000 word short story. One session a week for 10 weeks. Maximum 10 people per class.

Monologue and Short Plays in Various Formats

We look at the format of writing monologue and plays for stage, screen and radio and how to capture a character's authentic voice, find the central message of the text and prepare it for presentation.

Live Presentation of Written Word

For bringing developed pieces of text to performance level; working on voice, rhythm, projection, stance and movement, character, direction, subsequent re-writes and edits from further developing the pieces.

Private Study

Working one to one with individuals on their personal goals and creative writing projects eg: novel, short story, poetry, plays.

If interested in any of the above courses please email me on:

Plant Life

I had a lovely stroll with mon amour in Orman park yesterday; a short walk from my home. The fresh, breath of the plants and trees was a joy and we saw wild parrots and walked over a lily pond; albeit a lily pad and trash pond :-) I bought some new plants for the flat and they are giving a new sense of bounty to the environment. In Orman park one can forget the traffic and craziness for a while and simply be dreamed into the green lushness.


I'm a Sagittarian and as such am ruled by the most venerable and expansive planet Jupiter. Today I woke up feeling LUCKY. Whether such feelings are deluded or not is not important. Good things are happening NOW!!! Many shorter term goals are coming together and longer term projects are looking like they can find a fertile soil. I took a gamble coming here, or did I? I followed a compulsion and this is generally all I know to do; if I feel something strongly then I'll do it. My life here can be seen as precarious or a risk assessed step to the future I want. Whatever, I'm doing it. It is too early to write the longer term project ideas down as I am just beginning negotiation with organisations about them and it is also too early to document the next possible residents.. but should all the current negotiations manifest into reality then I can say that expansion for ArtHome at ARC and for myself personally (and the two are inter-twined) is happily moving forward. And if it is not the things I am aware of now, or as well as the those things, I believe it will be other growth and success. YES. The word is YES.

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Azumi is here and Thank you to Saturday group

Azumi arrived yesterday and last night we went out downtown, saw a good Romanian film at the French Institute, ate fuul and tameya, and later drank Omar Khayyam and discussed literature and life until 4am. I finally found out the correct way to pronounce one of my favourite writer's names; Haruki Murakami but have only now half remembered. Other news is that I will be having several interesting meetings this week.. more news later.. but let's say I hope they lead to expansion for ARC. Ohhhh and don't forget my show at Darb 17 18 on Saturday 24th!!!

Saturday 17th saw an end of course get together for the Saturday writing group and Nadia and Sondos bought me some excellent books; shokran geddann!!!! I will miss my Saturday class but we will set up a Facebook page and blog and continue to meet once a month hopefully.

I will also be printing out a booklet of the groups' work and distributing it in local arts venues.

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Busy Bee Creative Bee

My day started with a giant bee coming in through the open windows! A lovely and hopeful sign :-)

ARC is looking forward to receiving Azumi Hasegawa, a Japanese writer, on Saturday for her stay of one week. Her arrival will be into a flurry of activity; as there will be a small party happening for the students who have just completed the 10 week writing course.

Over the next three days I am devoting my time to memorising my set for my performance at Darb 17 18. I will happen to go see a few films though also :-) This time it is Italian cinema over at the Italian Institute.

The next few weeks will be busy; not just with residents and the show but also setting up several new writing courses; privately and also one that will take place at Darb 17 18 on Wednesday evenings and a meeting with the British Council and getting links and support for some longer term projects that I am setting up to work with emerging Egyptian female writers.

Inshallah!!!! :-)

Now to work!!!

Saturday, 10 April 2010


I am having a cup of peppermint tea before the last class for the Saturday group. It is our 10th session today and we will also have a get together next week to share and say goodbye; or not... as hopefully some of my Saturday students may choose to start another course with me and Nadia will be back from her travels and tell us all about them :-)

The group have been a delight; it has been wonderful to get to know them and build friendships and to see their writing expand and soar.

I am taking this opportunity to thank each and every student.

This week I have been going over to the Opera House, conveniently just by my building, and watching some Moroccan cinema; the films have been good and it is fantastic to be able to walk 5 minutes and sit down in a good cinema and all for free!! I love this aspect of Cairo!

My flat is filled with flowers as early in the week I went to the Orman Gardens, another short walk from my building, where there is a flower show and I got some plants. Then mon amour came back!!! :-)) And brought me a huge basket of roses and carnations. So.. it has been a GOOD week!!! :-))

I am working on my upcoming show for Darb 17 18; as it will be in 14 days and I will be doing a 25 minute set. I am also recruiting new writing students and have been downtown putting posters up and need to do some new Internet advertising. So.. all creative stations go!!!!

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Performance at DARB 17 18

Hello everyone

Well, wow, things change ALL the time in this place.

Sooooooo.. Theopisti and Sheridan left yesterday after 11 days; it was a pleasure having them here and Theopisti accomplished a lot during her time. Azumi doesn't arrive until 17th, so the interim time is going to be busy with organising new writing classes and NEW NEWS FRESH OFF THE PRESS... I have a performance at Darb 17 18 on the 24th April for the opening party of SPLIT; the new show at Darb. I will be performing some existing work and writing new pieces and have to find a guitarist to work with on few numbers. It will be an exciting night! The opening parties at Darb are always fantastic and busy. Then at the end of April I will be running writing classes from Darb twice weekly; Mondays and Wednesday evenings.

My mood has been difficult however; the changes with mon amour take me to wild thoughts and some of those have included feeling like leaving the country; also it is hard to hold on to absolute positivity when I don't know properly how much money I will have coming in or when it will come.

Anyway.. I have a private student in a few hours and have to read through her work and then I have class tonight and need to prepare the lesson. Tomorrow I will go to Darb and talk about the performance and then go over to Artellewa and see what that's all about!

Bye for now!!!!

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

New Eras or at Least Intermediary Times

Ya habibi has gone.. for two months he will be out of Cairo and we said goodbye only half an hour ago. I have never been in this city when he is not here. It feels strange. I will miss him very much and who is going to do all my translation and handyman jobs!!!! :-)) But I have a huge bunch of great girlfriends to get stronger with and go explore this place and have parties (as I've discovered the studio is a fabulous place to dance) :-))

Sooooo.. ArtHome news.. Theopisti has landed an exhibition at Darb 1718 in April!!!! Mabrook Theopisti!!! I introduced her there and Moataz liked her work and thought it would fit in with an upcoming show. Her and her husband, Sheridan, have gone to Alexandria for two days now and I am musing as to whether to go to the oasis.. hmmmmm.. Other than this there will be a Japanese writer, Azumi, coming to stay in April and inbetween artists I will be scoring more funky bedsheets, household plants and fairy lights :-)

I met Hamdy Reda from Artellewa a few days ago. Amira (Hanafi - artist who stayed weeks ago) brought him round and we had a great chat. I'll go over there in a few days with Theopisti; maybe she'll get another show! Maybe I will! But it was good to talk with Hamdy about the residency as he is experienced in the arts and venues (having one of his own)and I left the conversation feeling that expansion for ArtHome at ARC is definitely available. There are some days where it just feels a bit scary as one watches the money going out and not that much coming back in.. but then I'll get more writing students or an artist will book in to stay and an equilibrium is found once more.

Mashy... I best get my pink lipstick on and get in a cab to Lorna's! Girls' afternoon :-)

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Rooftops, Fire & Leopard Spots

Last night I went to the Rooftop Studio downtown with mon amour and the two resident artists staying here at the moment; Thomasina and Roland. It was a Collaborative Multichannel Video Installation called 'Windows'in collaboration with the Townhouse and AUC. The space down at (or should I say 'up at')the Rooftop is fantastic; really spacious with a big roof terrace and various indoor studio spaces. Ahmed Hosny, the initiator of this project, and I, talked about mutually beneficial ways of working as the Rooftop has studio space but is non residential and I have residential space but limited studio space. 'Windows' was presented well and gave a feel of something edgy; the Rooftop is one to watch most definitely.

As we were about to leave (wanting beer at Stella bar)I noticed a fire and smoke coming from the roof a building opposite; it was the Hyatt and I have no idea what the story was but it certainly led people's attentions away from the video screens and towards the city skyline!

Next week sees a week of DOGMA films being screened at Darb 1718; an event I am looking forward to attending and the next ArtHome at ARC residents; Theopisti and Sheridan arrive midnight tomorrow; their leopard print bed awaits them!

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Cairo Variations

Cairo! If it doesn't kill you it will make you :-)

Thomasina and Roland are on the 3rd day of their residency and yesterday I took them over to Darb 1718 and after looking at the latest exhibition and the art space they then walked around the potters' area (they themselves are potters). They are uncoiling to the pace of Cairo; it can take time; and another hot water plumbing problem here at ARC has been a 1st hand taste for them in Cairo infra-structure and working practice :-)

Theopisti Stylianou - photographer and her husband, Sheridan, a writer arrive Thursday night for a stay of 12 days. You can look at Theopisiti's work on:

I have to say that if I had a Christmas card list, if I celebrated it, that Madame Afaf (my landlady) would not be on it. One does have to live with a plethora of idiosyncracities in this city and ArtHome at ARC is not a 5 star pad. But I have created it and intend it as a little treasure and an ambient and loved creative space and having hot water come out of the taps at all times.. or at least most of the time, is pretty much necessary. Anyway.. shwaya shwaya, slowly slowly, the plumber is coming and it shall be resolved, inshallah.

Last night I went to a dinner hosted by the director of the arts division of the British Council in Cairo; held in a very plush pad with full power hot water at a million miles a minute I should imagine! I met some great people and built some links for ARC. The wine was also good and a lovely change from my usual Omar Khayyim brand :-)

So... I sit waiting for the plumber.. and working on editing a private student's novel and tonight I have my Tuesday writing class and then an opening show at Rooftop Studio, downtown.

Bye for now!

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Beds and Irish myths

I can't believe how much beds are in this country!!! It seems such a strange thing that in more 'western' countries one can find cheap furniture; second hand and new; one can even get free stuff very easily. But here, due to the difference in system and part of that being that many people live off the throwaway items and the rubbish, it seems very difficult to find cheap furniture. So.. I am faced with the prospect of having to spend about 2000 LE today on two double beds. I have to have them as artists are arriving and at present I only have two single beds (which will remain also). Then after the horror of spending that amount of money and with no income in sight for the forseeable (until I get more writing students)I have to arrange getting them here and up 7 floors and the bawab no doubt will be wanting to know who these beds are for and why do I need them..

Sometimes I wonder what I am doing. It hasn't reached existential places yet :-) but I have set up this artist residency on no budget and the income from renting rooms will not cover the rent of the place and I have no idea when the money from my next writing students will be and arriving artists have many requirements it seems and I am just a poet, discovering my way in Cairo and with a dream to share and create a space that nourishes the creative soul for myself and for others.

I feel that some people will love it here and some people will not. But I know that whatever I do and however it is, it is in truth and without pretence. I want to make people feel welcome and to share ideas and flow. ArtHome may not be 5 star and it is starting small; but it is genuine and also I have to say very affordable for those wanting to come and explore Cairo!!!!

So, today is St Patricks. I don't observe it but the thing about Irish myths is that sometimes I do wonder if the Irish blood in my veins (my father is Irish) makes me just go for things with Celtic fire and not consider the consequences too much. Otherwise what on earth am I doing here in this city, renting a place that I cannot afford and without a proper job???

Crazy! Magnoon!!!!! :-)

Friday, 12 March 2010


is a precious noun in this country.

Everyday I go to the studio space and look through my swathes of paper; ensuring lesson plans are in place for the three writing groups that I have running and looking through notes made on the work of my private writing students' who are writing deserving novels. I check my emails and do admin throughout the day responding to enquiries about ARC and bookings. I poke around for the various lists on lined note paper that have all the things I stil need to get and to do to get ARC shipshape for residents and then attempt the gigantuan task of finding the corresponding shops to get said things; this is one of the hardest tasks; without knowledge of where these shops are located and without the language to ask for what I need if the needed thing is not obvious to my eyes. Yesterday I got printing done but gave up on trying to find hydrogen peroxide for my contact lenses after four failed attempts. Even having the cleaners in is work as they themselves made a list of items they wished me to have; which then had to be translated and having bought the items they are either running late (but then that is normal) or they may not come at all.

The items on my lists irk me. It is so mundane and yet so crucial it seems but I find the mundanity of it blanches my spirit and it is not the most scintillating activity to ask mon amour to help with; yet help he does; two poets reduced to asking about breadboards and lightbulb fittings. Yet the creation of the space; of ARC; of my home; needs a practical application.

Time spent on such situations leads me away from my beautiful time; the time to write; the time I saw for myself in this move to Cairo. Yet it is this very utmost feeling of present time, of time being taken up right now, that also gives the feeling of being alive. There is litle refection and little musing on future; now is the time and it makes one live.

So today is Friday and I got up early and gave a private lesson working with one of my student's on her wonderful novel and now I am waiting; waiting for late or no show cleaners, waiting for mon amour to return after some days away, and maybe tonight we will go to a friend of mine's book launch 'Diary of an Egyptian Spinster'; though the spinster in this case, Abeer Soliman, is a young and attractive woman. Abeer has had a newspaper column and an online prescence with this diary for some years and found some fame within Egypt and the Arab states. It is a contemporary and candid work.

Next Saturday two potters from Cornwall; Thomasina Bates and Roland Bence arrive for one week's residency and then the Saturday after Theopisti Stylianou,a Cypriot photographer, and her writer husband will come for two weeks. They will be followed by Anne Devine and Tinka Bechert who will work throughout April on their project involving walking and text inspired by the Giza plateau. Then May brings a family of four who will be exploring Cairo for two weeks as part of a grand tour.

Busy times ahead indeed!

Monday, 8 March 2010

The Great Unwashed

or.. 'That's Just How It Is'.

Soooo... 7 days in ArtHome ARC and there has been much to do. Amira Hanafi, the resident artist, leaves tomorrow after her one week stay and she has been taking some amazing photographic documentation of the city via her walking project.

I have been mainly working on getting things for the flat, beautifying the space, starting new writing classes with a fresh intake of students, eating some delicious cake/biscuits and continuing with the existing class (shokran Hind for the laziz biscuits!!)and trying to sort out various plumbing issues (plumber on his way again as I type). It seems that the modus operandi in Cairo plumbing is to take several days fixing something, then go away and that thing breaks down again after 30 minutes. There are small horizons of hope that then plummet;forced to be The Great Unwashed; living up to stereotypes of the British.. though my teeth aren't black and cragged (yet). Anyway I am drinking lime so as to combat any dormant, ancestral scurvy.

The week ahead is busy, the city is awaiting and the heat is building...

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Bawabs, balconies and Day 2 in the New Place

Wellllllll... I am shattered. I need B Vits!!! Shelagh post me some asap! So.. I moved into the new place about 1am and didn't get to sleep until 6am, then had to be up the next day early as Madame Afaf (landlady - and her name means Chastity..) informed me the telephone man would be coming anytime between 8am and 6pm. So.. after less than 2 hrs sleep I put 'answering the door clothes' on (remember.. it's Egypt.. one has to present decorum)and then got confused about 'was that the door or wasn't it?' as my doorbell happens to be the sound of birdsong.. low birdsong.. in one short low flush. On top of this there is a lot of real birdsong from the front of the house as I am on the 7th floor and look out over some very lovely trees. Put into the mix that at the best of times I have a certain phone phobia, then bring in general artistic neurosis.. Madame Afaf then phoned to say the telephone man would be on his way.. this was at about 1pm.. a few hours having gone by of lying on bed in clothes trying to discern real birds from electronic ones. Finally at about 3pm the telephone man arrived along with the bawab Nabil (whose name means Noble.. and I realise later should not have accompanied him in and was only there to snoop.. as they do..). The telephone man did very little.. he complained and looked sulky.. and then the bawab said they had to go in another of the rooms. I tried to act composed.. for mon amour was the bedroom and for anyone reading this who doesn't know the Egyptian ways; an Egyptian man in the bedroom of a woman is considered VERY non-decorum.. to the point of some landlords forbid this unless the couple are married. Yes, welcome to medieval Cairo.. This alone is an issue.. and even though nothing has actually been said to me prior to taking the flat.. I know enough about the culture to try not to 'flaunt' the fact that I have an amour. Sooooo.. heart beating I asked them 'fein?' (where?) and to my relief they said 'shumel' (left .. and opposite my bedroom) But the whole time I was thinking 'but there's a wire in my room too.. what if, what if..' and when they went back into the living room I went to mon amour and said 'they are looking in the rooms'. When I came back out of my room I saw that they had returned to the room opposite and the bawab was sat on the bed looking directly at me and therefore had most probably heard me talking to 'someone'. Anyway, finally they left, having done a total patchy job on the phone and only fixing one socket which is in the spare room and therefore now needs a very long cable. When I returned to the bedroom, it was in darkness and I couldn't see mon amour anywhere.. then I realised he had hidden himself on the balcony.. ohhhhh.. what will become of us :-))

Sunday, 28 February 2010

Moving in Day

I am sat here with my red polka dot suitcase and a very large other one (that I cannot possibly move) and various other bags and boxes... waiting for mon amour and we will go to the new flat!!! Yes, it is Moving In Day.. finally!!! I am excited and also a bit nervous and thinking about the things I have to buy to prepare the place for guests and to beautify it.. oh I love ambience and aesthetics.. my Venusian leanings.. The long awaited one week lie in however looks set to be interrupted here and there.. the telephone man comes tomorrow (possibly in the morning which could be tricky as I don't 'do' mornings so much anymore and also the doorbell is a very lovely rush of light bird song.. not so audible me thinks!) and the first guest arrives at ARC on Tuesday!!! Amira Hanafi, an American Egyptian poet/photographer/artist: So.. I need to at least get bedsheets and towels for one!!! (and then of course do a 'big shop' soon). Other than this I will be starting two new creative writing classes as from week beginning March 7th.. so it's all go go go!!! Inshallah :-))

Saturday, 20 February 2010

Creative Writing Classes in Cairo

The Creative Writing course consists of one 3 hour session a week for 10 weeks.

Maximum 10 people per course.

For booking your place & more information: email:

10 week courses with set tasks designed to trigger & expand the writing process. As well as ongoing writing expansion work we explore various genres and work towards an end task of writing a 1000 word short story.

The aim of the course is to foster enjoyment, build skills, stretch ways of working, set challenges & learn techniques whilst introducing the writer to several areas of writing practice.

Alternative courses in:
writing plays, poetry, review & critique, performance, oration, delivery and drafting texts towards presentation as well as further writing practice are available.

There is no criteria other than a willingness to open up one's writing; the course is designed that people of varying writing experience can participate and each draw their individual benefits.

Linda Cleary – Artist Biography
Linda Cleary is a poet - writer – performer, originally from Manchester and seen as being in the vanguard of young female performance poets and emerging as a radical nouvelle vague Romantic Poet; presenting a different type of work for the UK. Her former drama training lends her performance a certain theatricality and she has performed in a variety of bands, theatre & performance groups.

Linda works across disciplines; creating non traditional, diverse work of spoken & written word at times fusing performance, music and image. Her work often carries an urban and contemporary thrust ; some themes may be timeless, universal, but carry a modern twist and juxtaposition in delivering the tale whilst carrying a definite honouring to classic influences. Her performance poetry and style has been seen as unique, strong, raw and challenging; 'Powerful, uncompromising, rhythmic verse. Tough, lyrical beauty. Packs poetic punches with aching sensitivity. A unique new voice. If you need a comparison, think; a young Joolz Denby, laced with Patti Smith overtones.' (Apples&Snakes)

Education Biography
Linda has experience of working with children, young adults and adults with differing needs and delivers workshops in creative writing & poetry for schools, colleges and community groups; those from isolated or rural areas as well as regeneration or urban.

Having left school and becoming immediately involved with theatre her community work began with a placement with NACRO in '89 where she assisted with facilitating a creative writing and psycho-drama course. She then went on to train in '91 at Manchester Polytechnic in Recreational Arts in the Community. This enabled her to successfully set up and run a variety of community courses in creative writing and also theatre; working in Holland, Czech and Australia as well as the UK. Between 93 – 94 she was invited to Czech Republic to work at the prestigious JAMU Academy of Performing Arts & Music in Brno where she delivered theatre workshops to two adult actor groups; one an audibly impaired group. She runs creative writing courses and a script development for presentation course and teaches general literacy as well as her poetry, writing and performance work.

NB for details, audio, video, written work, news and more please go to

Creative Writing Contentment

I love my writing class!! The students have just left and as I put away the cups, the glasses, the biscuits, the chairs to their resumed positions; the accoutrements that support writing; I reflected on what a joy it is to sit for 3 hours every Saturday with this group and to explore the paths of creativity and to see their work gathering strength and power. Thank you Nadia, Nazly, Sherif, Gehane, Hind, Sondos, May and Ghada.

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Miso Quest

I am exhausted!

Today I had to get up early (for Cairo) and be out of the house by 11am as I had a meeting about a forthcoming performance poetry show and workshops at Darb 1718. I walked in the heat desiring water but never stopping to buy any; I just went through the whole procedure in my head but didn't seem able to stop and do it in reality. Then on arrival at Darb, after two metro journeys, I needed things.. 'I need fool' I said, 'and tameya' and then I glugged a load of water which is supposed to be the wrong thing to do when you are dehydrated but I'm not really a sipper. Anyway, all was well and the performance will be soon; dates to be decided. Then I went downtown and did a few more posters (for my Creative Writing course); taking advantage of an emergency situation at Diwan which required the guard to help a man with a bad leg; I put my poster up quicksharp then left (sometimes they dont like people putting posters up). Then hurray hurray halleluijah.. Alfa Market were stocking tofu today!!!! It shone on its shelf; a divine message of vegan love. Then one of my friends told me about miso being available in Mohandeseen in a MACROBIOTIC shop... 'What???' I said, 'There is a macrobiotic shop in Mohandeseen?' 'Yes,' she said. Soooo... I am just back now from a sweaty quest to get miso.. it involved quite a hunt, but then there it was, the shop of delight.. and it was closed..

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Following footsteps

I'm still not arriving at the beginning. Can one arrive at the beginning? Anyway today I have felt somewhat complicated and couldn't focus on my Arabic lesson other than trance out at various poetic sounding and meaning words. Then on the way to the metro I found myself following a man. He felt simple and safe. I liked his brown jacket and his ironed trousers, I liked the balding spot on the back of his head where he had combed down his hair, I liked knowing what he had in his kitchen cupboards and how he liked his morning rituals to be. I followed him for 15 minutes and in that 15 minutes my world was simple.

Monday, 15 February 2010

I am Beinning to Hate White Taxis

Yes.. I am. Maybe something has suddenly changed with white taxis in this city or my perception of money has altered but every white cab I get recently goes a stupid and very long way round in a way that baffles me.. it's like they throw the blanket of illusion over my eshta face and then suddenly I wake up and realise the road I want to be on is henak!! And I am hena!! For those not in the know; white and yellow cabs here have meters whilst in black and white ones you just give them what you know the fare is supposed to be.. you give it through the window and walk away.. before they have chance to start pretending it's meant to be more. Oh, the charades are many!!

Anyway.. I settled myself with some tameya after that irritating ride and am now ready to start smoking again.. I am trying to stop.. but in Cairo it feels almost homoeopathic and a duty.

This isn't starting at the beginning.. I will begin very soon..

And should I provide a translation of those limited Egyptian words or let you find them out for yourself?

Ithaca by Constantine P Cavafy

When you set out on your journey to Ithaca,
pray that the road is long,
full of adventure, full of knowledge.
The Lestrygonians and the Cyclops,
the angry Poseidon -- do not fear them:
You will never find such as these on your path,
if your thoughts remain lofty, if a fine
emotion touches your spirit and your body.
The Lestrygonians and the Cyclops,
the fierce Poseidon you will never encounter,
if you do not carry them within your soul,
if your soul does not set them up before you.

Pray that the road is long.
That the summer mornings are many, when,
with such pleasure, with such joy
you will enter ports seen for the first time;
stop at Phoenician markets,
and purchase fine merchandise,
mother-of-pearl and coral, amber and ebony,
and sensual perfumes of all kinds,
as many sensual perfumes as you can;
visit many Egyptian cities,
to learn and learn from scholars.

Always keep Ithaca in your mind.
To arrive there is your ultimate goal.
But do not hurry the voyage at all.
It is better to let it last for many years;
and to anchor at the island when you are old,
rich with all you have gained on the way,
not expecting that Ithaca will offer you riches.

Ithaca has given you the beautiful voyage.
Without her you would have never set out on the road.
She has nothing more to give you.

And if you find her poor, Ithaca has not deceived you.
Wise as you have become, with so much experience,
you must already have understood what Ithacas mean.

Constantine P Cavafy (1911)