Saturday 29 May 2010

Horses & Pharoahs

Last night Marte, some friends and I went out to a stables on the far edge of Haram, just by the old desert gate. I felt so excited at the prospect of riding at full moon; as if I would be stepping into my Centaurian self and whilst the moon was rising in Saggitarius.

However, it didn't all quite happen as I had envisioned. After saddling up we were in a dusty, dark alley just before the desert; full of skittish horses and adrenalin charged boys with whips. The air was loud with commands and shabi music, the horses were on high energy; biting and kicking; eyes wild and blood filled. The moon wasn't visible and I became full of a sense of doom and felt compelled to get off my horse and return to the stable by foot. I then sat there alone waiting for my friends to return and feeling like a bit of a loser :-)

I shall attempt a second horse experience soon :-)

Today I have been editing student's work, hanging with Marte and introducing her to the vegan delights of tofu, working out where I can create more 'soft' sitting spaces and turn the back landing into a balcony and inbetween all this I have been gazing at my feet and thinking how with blue varnished toenails clad in black and gold 'ship ships' (flip flops) they resemble two moon kissed Pharoahs :-))

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