Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Harvest Moon

Hello World!!!

Ahhhhhhh - and I am resurfacing at full moon, harvest moon in fact, bounty, riches, fruits - inshallah!!!!

It is SO busy.. I have lists in triplicate. So let's ring the changes:

Dearest darling Marte has left for Alexandria and I shall be going on mini trips to see her. She got a lucrative deal and can now shimmy away in her Sahars; I am so happy for her but miss her tooooooooooo!!!!!

The first oasis course happens this weekend and I am taking the 10 participants to Fayoum for 3 days of creativity and natural surroundings - exciting!!!

I will then come back and the week after start a busy autumn of 5 Creative Writing courses, Open Stage night, Film Night and more!!!

Various artists are booked in to ARC throughout the following months; more details soon.

I may also be taking part in a festival in Alexandria which will take place in Cavafy's house; the very writer who wrote The Road to Ithaca!!! I am VERY excited about this prospect!

For now.. it is coffee and sorting out exercises for the oasis and awaiting my lovely friend Lorna who will visit between her dance shows on the Nile.

Enjoy the moon XXX

Saturday, 11 September 2010

'Up On the Roof' Open Stage at Cairo Art Village

'Up On the Roof' Open Stage at Cairo Art Village

Thursday October 7th then monthly

A new creative platform for both established and emerging artists using either Arabic or English language.
Live poetry, spoken word, music and performance. Each act will be a maximum of 10 minutes with a longer guest spot for an invited artist. This is a space to try out new material and take risks as well as present shaped work.
People interested in performing should contact Linda Cleary:

A joint venture by CAV and ARC

Tuesday, 7 September 2010


Hello from near to the finish line of Ramadan

and close to the start of Eid

Then.. perhaps.. we can get back to a little normality (not)

I thought Ramadan would be so, so quiet. I even thought I could finally get to grips with the music software program Ive been meaning to learn for the last 8 months. But Cairo has been a WHIRL.. even moreso than 'usual'. In the last 5 weeks there was galavanting in Fayoum and coming back with feathers tied into my hair.. a short trip to Dahab which resulted in closure on a long term affair.. then an ocean dive into a sublime Sudanese journey of passion and poetry.. then having to re-enter the day to day world on the Prince's exit and setting up 5 courses to run in autumn and a residential.. not to mention other projects.. and now I am trying to take Suzi around town and find stuff to do in Ramadan where everything is dominated by iftar (the first meal at dusk that breaks the day fast)and most of town is closed... ah well just a few more days to go :-))

Ahhh yes... and there was the little matter of a man coming into our flat at 5am about 9 days ago, having climbed from the building back staircase onto my balcony (over a 7 floor drop). Luckily Marte saw his hand as he hid behind the kitchen door.. otherwise who knows what may have happened.. Going to the police resulted in being kept for 3 hours whilst making the report and escorted back by 3 policeman who then took the bawab (doorman) which then resulted in a whole heap of info being revealed about how the man opposite has a brother who will be running for president (!!) and me going to the police could have resulted in a scandal as the bawab of the building was questioned and people could make use of this (!!).

Never a quiet day..